

Doughty, C.L., Cavanaugh, K.C., Chapman, S.K. and Fatoyinbo, L. 2024. Uncovering mangrove range limits using very high resolution satellite imagery to detect fine‐scale mangrove and saltmarsh habitats in dynamic coastal ecotones. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. doi: 10.1002/rse2.394

Mack, M.R., Langley, J.A., Feller, I.C. and Chapman, S.K. 2024. The ecological consequences of nutrient enrichment in mangroves. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, p.108690.

Verutes, G.M., Yang, P.F., Eastman, S.F., Doughty, C.L., Adgie, T.E., Dietz, K., Dix, N.G., North, A., Guannel, G. and Chapman, S.K., 2024. Using vulnerability assessment to characterize coastal protection benefits provided by estuarine habitats of a dynamic intracoastal waterway. PeerJ, 12, p.e16738.

Morris, J.T., J.A. Langley, W.C. Vervaeke, N. Dix, I.C. Feller, P. Marcum, & S.K. Chapman. 2023. Mangrove trees outperform saltmarsh grasses in building elevation but collapse rapidly under high rates of sea-level rise. Earth's Future, 11, e2022EF003202.

Sturchio, M.A.*, J. Chieppa, S.K. Chapman, G. Canas*, I.C. Feller, L. T. Simpson and M.J. Aspinwall. 2023. Contrasting effects of nitrogen addition on leaf photosynthesis and respiration in black mangrove in North Florida. Estuaries and Coasts.

Feller, I.C. U. Berger, S.K. Chapman, E.M. Dangremond, N.G. Dix, J.A. Langley. C.E. Lovelock, T.Z. Osborne, A.C. Shor, L.T. Simpson. 2022. Nitrogen Addition Increases Freeze Resistance in Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) Shrubs in a Temperate-Tropical Ecotone. Ecosystems 1-15.

Sturchio, M.A., J. Chieppa, S.K. Chapman, G. Canas, M.J. Aspinwall. 2021. Temperature acclimation of leaf respiration differs between marsh and mangrove vegetation in a coastal wetland ecotone. Global Change Biology.

Chapman, S.K., I.C. Feller, G. Canas, M.A. Hayes, N. Dix, M. Hester, J. Morris, J.A. Langley. 2021. Mangrove growth response to experimental warming is greatest near the range limit in northeast Florida. Ecology.

Adgie, T.E. and S.K. Chapman. 2021. Salt marsh plant community structure influences success of Avicennia germinans during poleward encroachment. Wetlands.

Geoghegan, E. J.A. Langley, and S.K. Chapman. 2020. A comparison of mangrove and marsh influences on soil respiration rates: a mesocosm study. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.

Hayes, M.A., S.K. Chapman, A. Jesse, E. O’Brien, J.A. Langley, R. Bardou, J. Devaney, J.D. parker, K. C. Cavanaugh. 2020. Foliar water uptake by coastal wetland plants: a novel water acquisition mechanism in arid and humid subtropical mangroves. Journal of Ecology.

Chapman, S.K., M.A. Hayes, B. Kelly, J.A. Langley. 2019. What is the oxygen sensitivity of coastal wetland carbon mineralization? Biology Letters.

Coldren, G.A. Langley, J.A. Feller, I.C. and S.K. Chapman. 2018. Warming accelerates mangrove expansion and surface elevation gain in a subtropical wetland. Journal of Ecology.

 Langley, J.A. S.K. Chapman and 17 other authors. 2018. Ambient changes exceed treatment effects on plant species abundance in global change experiments. Global Change Biology.